About me


since 2023Professor of Fluid and Suspension Dynamics at the University of Edinburgh
since 2023Co-Chair of University’s Research Cultures Forum
2020-2024Deputy Director of Research and Ethics & Integrity Officer in Engineering
2020-2023Reader in Chemical Engineering at the University of Edinburgh
2018-2020Lecturer in Chemical Engineering at the University of Edinburgh
2013-2018Chancellor’s Fellow at the University of Edinburgh
2012-2013Postdoc at University College London with Peter Coveney
2011-2012Postdoc at the TU Eindhoven with Jens Harting
2008-2011PhD student at the Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung in Dusseldorf


Since 2019Member of the ERCOFTAC Biomedical Fluid Mechanics Group
Since 2018Member of the IOP Liquids and Complex Fluids Group
Since 2017Member of the Institute of Physics
Since 2016Member of EPSRC Associate Peer Review College
Since 2016Full member of the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine
Since 2001Member of the German Physical Society

Education and Studies:

2011PhD (physics) at Bochum University with Fathollah Varnik
2007Diploma (physics) at Heidelberg University with Christof Wetterich
2003-2007Advanced studies (physics) at Heidelberg University
2001-2003Basic studies (physics) at Bielefeld University

Awards and Grants:

2021-2025Tubitak 1004
2019-2023EPSRC EP/T008806/1
2018-2023EPSRC EP/S019588/1 “EMBOSS”
2018-2024ERC Starting Grant “SIRIUS”
2018Visiting Fellow, University of New South Wales, Canberra, Australia
2016-2021EPSRC EP/P007236/1 “SynBIM”
2016Scottish Crucible
2014-2015Embedded CSE project (eCSE01-010)